Bodyflow is the ideal solution for keeping your health in-balance, preventing the immune system from becoming sluggish and boosting your organs, body and mind for optimum health.
We are a highly professional health and wellbeing company with over 25 years experience. We have a fantastic team of the most expert and experienced therapists and practitioners in London who bring our much loved service to your home, office, hotel or event.
Over the past 25 years Gemma has created the sequence of Bodyflow Reflexology which is very different to the normal reflexology that you may have experienced. It works to a deep cellular level of healing and helps the body unlock itself from birth onwards. We carry a history of our life in our feet and this specific treatment helps gently create space, movement, breath, deep cellular healing to enable the body and its systems to work efficiently. The treatment is tailored to each individual client’s need, so every treatment is different. It targets any in-balance that you may have or have had for many years, stimulating organs, nerves, muscles, tendons, and the body to function correctly. Clients can’t believe how powerful and effective the treatments are, giving them a new lease of life, taller with a spring in their step.
We have a treatment room in London for those who would like to have a treatment out of your home or live outside of London or the UK.
Bodyflow Reflexology, Bodyflow Massage, Bodyflow Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Bodyflow Chair Massage in the workplace, Bodyflow Hand Reflexology, Bodyflow Fertility Consultations
Please see all the different options that we offer on the website and we can also answer any questions or queries you may have on our service. Please book online, Bookings link above.
Warmest, Bodyflow