


Certain aspects of everyday life such as stress, lifestyle, obsessing about certain things, overexercising, undereating and toxin overload can have a dramatic effect on the health of both male and female fertility.  We go into great depth of each client’s history and develop a fertility package that will work accordingly for you both.

Once you have had your online Bodyflow fertility consultation, we ascertain the perfect way forward for you both and then start a course of Bodyflow Fertility Reflexology Treatments, firstly in the treatment room and then in your homes, depending on where you live in London.  Addressing and making a conscious effort to alter your lifestyle alongside a course of Bodyflow reflexology dramatically increases the chances of natural conception, before having to consider the medical route.

We have specialised in helping couples create a fertile body for natural conception for over 24 years, also working carefully alongside the medical route of treatments namely Clomid, IVF, IUI and ICSI.  Bodyflow reflexology is incredibly powerful and helps encourage all the body’s systems to work more effectively, it balances and heals the body from the inside on a cellular level.  We work a lot with clients who have PCOS, Endometriosis, Polyps and recurring miscarriages, with wonderful positive results.

Bodyflow suggests a course of treatments, around four sessions.  Bodyflow Reflexology is a holistic treatment that works on an accumulative basis; everyone’s body is different so we are unable to say how long it may take.

Gemma believes that many couples are encouraged to go down a ‘medical route’ far too quickly without considering a holistic and complimentary approach. She was told, at an early age, that she would find it terribly hard to conceive, if at all, which shattered her dreams of becoming a mother. She has a wonderful son and Bodyflow reflexology helped her conceive like so many of her clients.

This personal experience motivated Gemma to create and devise Bodyflow reflexology to specialise in helping couples with their fertility journeys, achieving remarkable results. She works with the couple to help make the dream of becoming parents come true.  No stone is left unturned and you will be treated like a first class client.  She was also a Birth Doula for many years, helping bring an abundance of beautiful babies into the world, she is highly experienced, trained and has endless knowledge and expertise.

“Bodyflow, thank you for such an amazing reflexology treatment I feel relaxed and balanced X”

Madeleine Shaw, Wellness

“MISCARRIAGE - Thank you so much Gemma for working through my two consecutive miscarriages with me and helping me to get pregnant again. I'm just lying here with my beautiful week-old new-born son thinking about how your treatment really helped me get here. Also, yesterday your post c-section treatment has really helped bring my body back to life again. I can't thank you enough Gemma xx”

A very happy Bodyflow client

“PCOS - I heard about Gemma through Madeleine Shaw's blogpost about PCOS and infertility. My own struggles to get pregnant started nearly three years earlier with an ectopic pregnancy, early miscarriage and my periods stopping. I started seeing Gemma for regular reflexology sessions in early December 2015 and altered my nutrition and lifestyle from her advice. In January 2016 I found out I was expecting. I couldn't believe it; I was scared and excited all at the same time. The Early Pregnancy Unit confirmed I had a baby with a gorgeous heartbeat in my uterus and that I had even ovulated from the ovary that didn’t have a fallopian tube! Now that little heartbeat is a 10-week-old baby! I am truly grateful to Gemma for her restorative, balancing reflexology, compassionate attitude and positivity. I do not believe I would be in this position without her.”

Rhiannon Lavin, a very happy client

“AMENORRHEA - I really wanted to fall pregnant but was suffering from over 12 years of Amenorrhea. I discovered Gemma through Instagram as I noticed she had success with other clients suffering my condition. Bodyflow really helped me immediately, not only offering wise advice and key lifestyle changes but also being a constant support and encourager while on the journey to get my periods back. The treatment was incredible, I couldn’t believe it, after only 2 months of seeing Gemma consistently my period returned! I was overjoyed, and shocked... I couldn’t believe reflexology, and my time with Gemma, had been such a positive effect on my health. Gemma is more than a reflexology practitioner; she is wise council in a sea of conflicting messages and a hand to hold whenever you need it.”

Amenorrhea Client, so utterly delighted